Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 47 Strong Day

Today I felt the best I've been since starting the PCP for some reason.  I put on another pair of work pants that haven't fit me in a year and they were perfect, maybe even a bit loose.  Nothing makes me happier than looking good in clothing.  And boy do I love to shop, but I will definitely wait until this thing is over.

Got all the exercises in pre-breakfast, which I love, but not always possible unless my husband is around to help watch the kids.  But usually he is off to work so early I don't get a chance to.  I think this makes a HUGE difference.

Diet was almost perfect today.  Maybe just a few raisins to kill a sweet craving, but that's it. 

I'm off to meet a friend at a coffee house.  I am definitely staying away from anything that is not made with coffee beans.

Stay strong team.  The finish line is right around the corner.


Anonymous said...

great +ve post there heather! feel good just reading it :)

Chris said...

Sounds like a perfect day. You have really hit your stride now. Keep it up! We're in the home stretch...

Patrick said...

Raisins, rasins, WHY OH WHY!?!?!

George said...

Hi Heather. Read your comment over on Molly's blog, so you can definitely do this. Now that you are on a roll, I'm sure you'll just continue to gather momentum until the end.

Sara said...

go, heather, go!!!

Richard said...

Hey Heather - going strong there and yes, nothing better than looking good in clothes.. it's all good going here forward. Keep it up - results now start showing.

Juan said...

Cheers! A good idea would be to donate postPCP clothes to charity, jeje