Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 46 Mind Games

Ok. So I started the day the same as yesterday with a new found enthusiasm to stick to the diet strictly.  Here's what I bought today for part of my dinner tonight though:
I couldn't figure what to put next to this sweet potato to give you a size dimension, however, that is a FULL SIZE dinner plate it's sitting on. 

So, I ask you, Is my mind playing tricks on me?? I'm craving carbs and Patrick's email today reinforced that.  Sweet potato, well, he said it is a vegetable.  And we can eat AMAYW!!!  Hummmm. Well, I ate half with my roasted chicken.  At the time, I could have eaten the whole darn thing.  But now, one hour later, I'm feeling quite satiated.  It was, by the way, the biggest darn potato I have ever seen.

I did well today on the diet, considering it was one of the two days I'm stuck home with the kids.  Hardly any non-PCP foods entered my mouth.  I keep thinking, "Oh no, only 44 more days left of this thing. I gotta lot more work to do."

Now, the workouts.. HELLO...... DIFFICULT.  Jump rope continues to get easier, however, the squats...painful; push ups and davinci's still suck, love ovations, I'll never finish all the sets/reps of v-sits and the bicycle just doesn't do it for me.  I'm probably compensating somehow.  I'm just too tired at this point to figure it out.  Had another date with 8 minute ab guy again.  CAN WE THINK OF A NAME TO CALL HIM? I'm tired of writing '8 minute ab guy'.

Ok, that was way too much, so good night all.  Sweet potato dreams.


Richard said...

The bicycle is a killer - keep going at it though - you will really see yourself improve. Bit by bit hey. BTW - that is a large sweet potato. Another way to do them is cut them into thin scallops - oven roast on over paper: they're good. Mix up the colours - which is somehting I need to do more of. Keep it up Heather - you're doing well - and it's almost day 50!

Anonymous said...

luuurrvvvee sweet potatoes! i think it may be my fave veggie to be roasted - so sweeeeet and non veggie like!! great work so far heather x

Geordie said...

8 minute ab guy looks like a 'Chad' to me...

Sarah said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are one badass rock star, Heather! Also - at least you found one vegetable that you enjoy. Sweet potatoes FTW!

Patrick said...

Yeah, slice that thing, brush or spray with some olive oil and spices, and have potato chips for the week.

Molly said...

That sweet potato is HUGE.

Congrats on your great eating day. Feels good, eh?

I'll have to think about a name for the 8 minute guy. :)

George said...

That's surely not a potato! What food category do footballs fall under?

Chris said...

up in here in Canada we call that a yam.... i use a smidge (roasted) on my toast. yam jam. enjoy!