Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 74 Kids Rule

Well, I haven't had time for nearly anything. Both kids home with fever this week.  Little Wyatt up almost ALL night 3 nights in a row now.  I've been barely getting in the jump ropes and trying to stick in 8MA. Missed 3 days of resistance training. Diet is ok.  Boy is this difficult.  And just when I wanted to nail it home... oh well. PCP 180 here I come..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 71 New Photos

New photos up.  All is well. 8MA every day.  Still a lot of progress to be made.  Will keep plugging.

P.S. Sorry - up most of the night with baby.  I look a bit scary.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 67 Not Perfect

I have to say that for the past week I have not been into the PCP.  I haven't gone that crazy with food, but I definitely haven't been keeping to the diet.  I did, however, exercise and 8MA every day.  I ran twice instead of jump roping and it felt great.  I lasted 15 minutes with my MUCH younger and extremely athletic sister in law.  This was amazing in itself. 

For some reason, this week, I have felt my family obligations have taken preference way over the PCP and thus cooking, veggies and keeping exact diet have flown out the window.  We also traveled over the weekend to visit the in-laws and I didn't have time to prep food, nor was there time to prep food once we got there.  I have also been feeling like there is so much pressure to be 'perfect' on the PCP.  "You have 90 days to do this, and the rest of your life to eat cookies and cake." Well, for me, it's not that easy.  I just can't keep to the diet 100% and I have to let that go and be ok with it.  It's just not realistic for me.  The problem is I have been beating myself up over it for the past 67 days.  Now I'm going to move further with the understanding that I'll do the best I can and when I slip, my eating habits are still so much better than they were pre-PCP.

Anyway, as always, I love reading my teams' posts.  I love my team and I will definitely see this thing through, but I will have to come to terms with not being 'perfectly PCP'.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 62 Crazy Day

Today was just crazy.  In a nutshell, horrible nights' sleep because kids were not cooperating.  But then I found the energy to run home from the car dealership after dropping my car 2 miles away. (I know it doesn't seem far, but I had less than 4 hours sleep and I ran home in about 15minutes).  I have to copy Vittorio here.  I kept thinking, "Run Forest Run." I kept running faster and faster.  AND it was mostly up hill! I was in shock.

Then...I step on a piece of glass in my kitchen that my dear husband broke the night prior, TWICE! The first cut went into my heel, the second into my forefoot.  The glass stayed in the second time.  I have spent the last 3 hours trying to remove it and finally had success.  I'll be damned if a piece of glass pulls me out of the game now.

With all this, the diet was not great though today.  I will be back on track with that tomorrow, I have made a promise to myself. Again.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 60 New found energy from my Fabulous Team

Ok.  I want to thank my team (and Aki and Richard) for this new found energy I am feeling here in NY.  I have to admit, I've been in a funk the last week or so.  That doesn't mean I haven't been sticking to the program.  I have done all the workouts (and abs with Chad) every day.  The diet, also, is in check.  I have just felt out of touch and not in the mood to 'blog it out'.  However... reading everyone's posts have now resurged me.

So... I went running last night.  At 8pm! It was the end of an awful day and I couldn't stand the site of that jump rope.  If you remember, I USED to be a marathon runner.  Anyway, all I can say is I felt as if I could have ran from here to Massachusetts to give Andy, Scott and Dottie a high five.  Of course I stopped after 30 minutes in fear that the coyote's would get me. (we have a lot of them around here lately).

Any way, lots to do so I'll sign out.  Still avoiding the scale, it's torture.

Here's to a strong 30 more days. And to occupying less 'space in the world'.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 57 Still Going

Not much to report. Still going. No weight checks any more. New photos up.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 53 Goodbye Bathroom Scale

First let me thank everyone for your emotional support.  It really helps to know others are out there trying to achieve their own goals and are going through the same process. (Aki and Richard: so nice to continually here from you guys even when we're not in the same group!)

As difficult as it will be for me, for the next 37 days I vow not to weigh myself.  Thank you Molly for that piece of advice.  It is true, I think the numbers game will actually sabotage my efforts.

Got my workout in this morning.  Leg and shoulder days are killers, aren't they?  I have been reaching muscle fatigue way before the prescribed repetitions now for the last 2 weeks.  The good news is the jump roping is still strong.

Eating better today.  Trying to stay with the program near 99%.  Thank you again guys for your support.  As Richard, our Aussie friend says: Onwards and upwards

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 52 Emotional Eater

So, what I've always known to be true really came to the surface this weekend.  Hi, my name is Heather and I'm an emotional eater.  I was pissed off because the numbers on my scale had not moved for 3 weeks.  And I have to say I've been working pretty darn hard at this PCP thing.  So... I ate this weekend.  Pizza and a handful of other stuff I shouldn't have.  All because I was pissed at the scale.  I call this my vicious cycle.  I lose weight and then when I plateau for a period of time I get angry and eat too much which sets me back to square one. 

I now will not enjoy indulgence #2 because I will have to call my weekend of emotional eating that indulgence. 

I am now trying to move on.  Still exercising every day and doing abs with Chad. 

Reading all your posts (and comments) inspire me to keep going and keep strong.  I won't give up this time.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 50 Who gives a......

Well, I am a little ticked off today but I don't want to write about it because I'm just going to get a lashing from Patrick.  Let's just say the numbers didn't do what I wanted them to do this morning.  It truly pisses me off.  This week I worked hard.  But.... I am trying to keep in mind that ALL my clothes fit me better and some are too big.  In addition, I have to agree with Birgit.  My moods have been awful, and I find myself short tempered with my husband and 4 year old.  I really hate that.  When I'm hungry every one better watch out.  And it's so difficult because I have to feed every one else before I feed myself.  Sometimes I enter the kitchen in the morning feeling starving at 7am, but it is not until 9 am that I get to eat any thing (nurse Wyatt, empty dishwasher, feed Allie, feed Wyatt, clean up kitchen, set up activity for Allie, nurse Wyatt to sleep... THEN I get to make my breakfast).  Ok, enough of that. Back to the positive.

Work outs are kicking some serious behind.  When did we switch to 5 sets of legs???? Ughhh.  I couldn't even get through the shoulder sets today.  Complete muscle fatigue/failure.  I've been doing abs with Chad (8MA guy - thanks Geordie for the name suggestion) almost every day. I can still feel my diastasis recti, 3 finger separation of the rectus abdominis muscle.  Aghhh, it grosses me out.  I hope that it closes up.  I can thank my 10lb bouncing baby boy for that one.

Ok, pictures are up.  I'm committed to another strong week.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 49 Calling All Members

Ok team:  It occured to me this evening that we REALLY should come up with a team name.  It will further bond us which is crucial to ending this thing strongly.  My friend Sara's (last PCP) team name was JFD.  Which stood for Just F**kin Do It.  But we can think of something more classy. 
Now, between Chris and Andy the comedians, Juan and Scott the intellects, Dottie the writer, Geordie the sensitive wine guru, Mollie the kick ass chef, David the hard core rugby dad and Nicholas, we gotta come up with something guys!!!!! (I'm sorry, I hope I didn't offend any one.  I love you all).

I don't feel like writing about myself tonight.  I'll just leave it for tomorrow post-weigh in and photos.

Night night.  Lets get a name!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 47 Strong Day

Today I felt the best I've been since starting the PCP for some reason.  I put on another pair of work pants that haven't fit me in a year and they were perfect, maybe even a bit loose.  Nothing makes me happier than looking good in clothing.  And boy do I love to shop, but I will definitely wait until this thing is over.

Got all the exercises in pre-breakfast, which I love, but not always possible unless my husband is around to help watch the kids.  But usually he is off to work so early I don't get a chance to.  I think this makes a HUGE difference.

Diet was almost perfect today.  Maybe just a few raisins to kill a sweet craving, but that's it. 

I'm off to meet a friend at a coffee house.  I am definitely staying away from anything that is not made with coffee beans.

Stay strong team.  The finish line is right around the corner.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 46 Mind Games

Ok. So I started the day the same as yesterday with a new found enthusiasm to stick to the diet strictly.  Here's what I bought today for part of my dinner tonight though:
I couldn't figure what to put next to this sweet potato to give you a size dimension, however, that is a FULL SIZE dinner plate it's sitting on. 

So, I ask you, Is my mind playing tricks on me?? I'm craving carbs and Patrick's email today reinforced that.  Sweet potato, well, he said it is a vegetable.  And we can eat AMAYW!!!  Hummmm. Well, I ate half with my roasted chicken.  At the time, I could have eaten the whole darn thing.  But now, one hour later, I'm feeling quite satiated.  It was, by the way, the biggest darn potato I have ever seen.

I did well today on the diet, considering it was one of the two days I'm stuck home with the kids.  Hardly any non-PCP foods entered my mouth.  I keep thinking, "Oh no, only 44 more days left of this thing. I gotta lot more work to do."

Now, the workouts.. HELLO...... DIFFICULT.  Jump rope continues to get easier, however, the squats...painful; push ups and davinci's still suck, love ovations, I'll never finish all the sets/reps of v-sits and the bicycle just doesn't do it for me.  I'm probably compensating somehow.  I'm just too tired at this point to figure it out.  Had another date with 8 minute ab guy again.  CAN WE THINK OF A NAME TO CALL HIM? I'm tired of writing '8 minute ab guy'.

Ok, that was way too much, so good night all.  Sweet potato dreams.